The Cimino Law Blog

Read The Cimino Law Blog to learn more about family law and employment law in New York State. If you or someone you love is dealing with a family law or employment law matter in Rochester, please contact our firm today to arrange a free confidential phone consultation with attorney Michelle Cimino. Let her experience work for you.

Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Fathers Rights Spousal Maintenance Spousal Support

Thinking of Getting a Divorce After Christmas?

Navigating Divorce After the Holidays The decision to file for divorce after the holidays is often rooted in practicality and compassion, especially when children are involved. Many couples delay divorce proceedings to preserve a sense of normalcy and togetherness during the holiday season, providing their children and extended family with one final celebration. While this choice can ease immediate emotional strain, it often leads to January being a peak month for divorce filings. If you are considering divorce after the holidays, consulting with an experienced Rochester divorce lawyer ensures that you enter the process prepared and supported. With the right [...]

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Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Custody Lawyer

Rochester Custody Lawyer Whether you’re going through a divorce or there is an issue between your family and children, it puts them in a difficult situation. Children are an important piece of the family puzzle, and it’s important that they get what’s best for them regardless of parental struggles. This is where custody comes in. If you and your spouse divorce, you must consider ways to either share or gain custody of your child. This is often difficult and requires a custody lawyer. If you’re going through a divorce or need to settle a debate in custodial law, hiring a [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Fathers Rights Grandparents Rights Mediation Military Divorce Paternity Separation Agreements Spousal Maintenance Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Holiday Visitation Schedules in Custody Arrangements

How Is Child Custody Handled During the Holidays? Navigating child custody during the holidays is one of the most sensitive and challenging aspects of co-parenting after a divorce. The season, which is often seen as a time of joy and togetherness, can quickly become a source of stress and conflict for separated families. For parents in Rochester, Michelle Cimino, a dedicated divorce and family law attorney at The Cimino Law Firm, helps clients resolve these complex issues with expertise and compassion. Learn how child custody arrangements are typically handled during the holidays, the factors courts consider, and how Michelle Cimino [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog

Sexual Harassment Attorney in Rochester, NY

Sexual Harassment Attorney in Rochester, NY You have the right to work in an environment where you feel safe. If you live in fear that you will be sexually harassed by a co-worker or someone else you frequently encounter at work, you may be due monetary damages. Yet, many people choose not to report sexual harassment out of fear, allowing workplace predators to persist unchallenged. At The Cimino Law Firm, we believe that all workplace sexual harassment should be met with a response from a qualified attorney. This is the best way to ensure that your rights are upheld in [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Spousal Support Lawyer

5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Spousal Support Lawyer When it comes to divorce, many people think that they can handle it on their own. The truth is that only about 10% of divorces are handled without a spousal support lawyer. If you’re struggling to meet your financial obligations and you have yet to file for spousal support, it’s a good idea to engage the services of a spousal support lawyer. The court will decide how much spousal support is fair during the divorce proceedings. The court will also consider whether the spouse who earns more money should pay [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Men’s Divorce Attorney

Men’s Divorce Attorney Divorce statistics in the United States are staggering. Almost half of all marriages end in divorce, with both parties usually resenting each other. Granted, enduring a divorce is never easy, but there are times when parties must separate. One would think that it should not be too difficult to part ways. We have news for you – “one” would be wrong. The process of divorce can be very complicated. Issues bordering on child support, spousal support, custody arrangements, and property division are not always quickly sorted out. Making the wrong decisions in these proceedings can have far-reaching [...]


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Cimino Law Blog Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Preparing for a Divorce Consultation

Are you preparing to initiate a divorce proceeding? Filing for divorce can be a very emotional journey that you are about to embark on. It’s time to start preparing for a divorce consultation, where you will meet the attorney you have chosen to represent you and your interests in court. Here are some things you can do to get ready so you are well-prepared and understand what to anticipate. Then, when you are ready, call our office to speak with our dedicated Rochester divorce attorney, Michelle Cimino, so she can start protecting your rights. Before You Meet Your Lawyer If [...]


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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Divorce Mediation The Cimino Law Blog

What is a Collaborative Divorce?

What is a Collaborative Divorce? Divorces can be complicated, confusing, and time consuming. They can result in pain and loss, especially if both parties are highly combative in the divorce process. With these, they often require lawyers, court dates, and a lot of time and money. That’s because instead of finding a way to land on common grounds, judges and attorneys must be used to resolve any dispute that they may have. While these can be more complicated, there are also divorces that are not as difficult. There is an in-between state, though. There are some divorces where each spouse [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law Labor Law The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

What You Can Do About Retaliation In The Workplace

You have the right to engage in employment free of retaliatory actions on the part of your employers. However, situations arise that can cause an employer to take unjustified action against you for simply following the law. Please continue reading to learn more about retaliation in the workplace and what you can do about it. Why Retaliation in the Workplace Commonly Occurs Retaliation in the workplace occurs when an employer or boss takes negative actions against an employee after the employee acts in a certain way. In most cases, the actions taken by the employee consist of either the exercising [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Labor Law Pregnancy Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

The Rights of Nursing Mothers

The presence of nursing and pumping mothers in the workplace has grown exponentially over the last many decades. Now, it is common to see a mother providing her baby with life-sustaining breast milk or pumping breast milk into a bottle or bag while on the job. However, questions and issues frequently arise regarding the rights of nursing mothers at work and the appropriateness of doing so. Nursing Mothers at Work and New York Law Although questions may arise as to the rights of mothers to nurse in the workplace, the NYS Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act makes it clear [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Fathers Rights Mediation Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce Separation Agreements Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Settling Your Mediated Divorce

In most cases, divorce is an unpleasant circumstance that no one wants to deal with. However, life happens and brings all manner of unexpected situations that can push a married couple beyond their limitations, resulting in the need for a divorce. Fortunately, there are more efficient ways to process a divorce and help couples and their families move on than by standing in front of a judge. One of these ways is a mediated divorce. How Mediation and Divorce Work Mediated divorce is a voluntary settlement process that many married couples and domestic partners find more beneficial than a standard [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Labor Law Pregnancy Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog Wrongful Termination

How Maternity Discrimination Manifests Itself

Pregnancy is of utmost importance to the survival of the human race, yet maternity discrimination is alive and well in the U.S. Sadly, many who engage in maternity discrimination actually believe they are doing something positive when in reality, they are causing unnecessary harm. Hiring New York and federal law provide clear and effective protections for pregnant women in the workplace. However, employers can be clever when committing misdeeds. An employer can sneakily filter out job candidates who are pregnant or are planning to become so. For example, a woman who is visibly pregnant may never know that she was [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Parental Alienation: What You Can Do About It

Raising children is not easy and requires good faith behavior on the part of both parents. Unfortunately, some parenting situations see one or both parents engaging in behaviors designed to sabotage the parent-child relationship of the other parent. Parental alienation is one of these behaviors, and it typically leads to emotional injury for any child involved and the worsening of an already adverse situation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to address parental alienation and preserve your precious relationship with your child. How Parental Alienation Works Parental alienation refers to the efforts of one parent to essentially destroy the [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Family Law Fathers Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce Separation Agreements The Cimino Law Blog

Exploring Shared Residency

Shared residency has quickly become a popular option for divorcing parents. However, despite the benefits this type of parenting arrangement has for children, it may not always be the appropriate option, especially for warring parents. The Basics of Shared Residency Over the past few decades, it has become abundantly clear that children of divorced parents do better when both parents are equally active in their lives. With both parents contributing equally to a child’s upbringing, the child experiences far less emotional trauma caused by separation and parental infighting. Shared residency, also known as split residency, is an arrangement where the [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Prenuptial Agreements: Do We Need One?

Wedding planning is mainly focused on the party aspect of marriage, but many couples often think about things past the day they say their “I dos.” Marriage is a contract and having an agreement in place regarding the possible end of said contract is important to many couples. Prenuptial agreements can offer much protection if you and your spouse part ways in the future. While we do not go into marriage expecting it to end in divorce, planning for all possible scenarios is proactive. Our Rochester divorce attorney Michelle Cimino can help you create a prenup. Give our office a [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Religious Discrmination

Religion Discrimination in the Workplace

Religion is an integral part of many people’s lives. Legally, you are protected against religion discrimination in the workplace. Despite that truth, employers still break the law and violate the rights of their employees. If you believe you have been discriminated against at work based on your religious beliefs, please contact our Rochester employment lawyer, Michelle Cimino, today to schedule a consultation. We want to defend your rights and hold these employers accountable. Defining Religion Under Title VII The definition of religion according to Title VII is vague. The more common religions are included along with newer or less common [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination

Transgender Rights Attorney in Rochester

Being transgender in the United States comes with its challenges. Unfortunately, not everyone is welcoming and accepting; some people are hostile or violent. Being a transgender employee often means an employer will be discriminatory, despite the law protecting you. Our Rochester transgender rights attorney is dedicated to protecting your rights as a transgender employee. Please do not wait to reach out to our office if you believe your employer is acting illegally. We can help you determine if you have a claim. Important Definitions The Human Rights Campaign provides a glossary of terms that can help you understand a discrimination [...]

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Cimino Law Blog LGBT Discrimination

Know Your LGBTQ+ Rights

You spend much of your waking hours at work. You deserve to work in a safe environment. Many people in this country, they do not have that. LGBTQ+ rights are often neglected by employers, despite harassment and discrimination being prohibited. If you believe your rights are being violated, our Rochester employment lawyer would be glad to hear from you. Please call our office to schedule your consultation with attorney Michelle Cimino today. Civil Rights Act of 1964 In June of 2020, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Transgender Rights in the Workplace

Transgender rights in the workplace exist to protect this class of people who are frequently marginalized by society. If you believe your rights have been violated based on gender identity, please call our office to schedule a consultation with Rochester employment lawyer Michelle Cimino. What Transgender Rights Means According to the Human Rights Campaign, transgender is an umbrella term to describe people with different gender identities or gender expressions than the sex they were assigned at birth. Their identity may differ from cultural norms for the sex they were assigned at birth. The Human Rights Campaign further describes gender identity [...]

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LGBT Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Workplace LGBTQ Discrimination

You deserve to have a safe workplace regardless of who you are. Many individuals face workplace LGBTQ discrimination every day. Our Rochester employment lawyer is dedicated to bringing justice to these cases. Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2020 that upheld the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ from discrimination, employers continue illegally violating their employees’ rights. These employees need to be held accountable for their wrongful actions. Please keep reading to learn more about LGBTQ discrimination in the workplace. If you have faced harassment or discrimination in the workplace, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office [...]

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Cimino Law Blog LGBT Discrimination

How a Transgender Discrimination Lawyer Can Help You

Are you experiencing discrimination based on your gender identity? Did you know that if you are mistreated at your job or during an application process, your rights are being violated? If you experience discrimination at work, our Rochester transgender discrimination lawyer Michelle Cimino can help you. Please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with us right away if you believe your rights have been violated. What is Transgender Discrimination? Your gender identity is a protected class under federal law, which means your employer cannot treat you differently or discriminate against you. If your employer does discriminate against you based [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog The Cimino Law Blog

Relocation Cases: Everything You Need to Know

When a custodial parent decides to move away from the non-custodial parent of their child, it can be difficult. Whether they move for a job, their personal lives, or otherwise, it can be a hard choice. Relocation cases in New York State are tough to prove. Our Rochester family law attorney, Michelle Cimino, can help you get the answers you need. Please call our office to request a consultation with her today. What Are Relocation Cases? When the custodial parent of a child wants to move away from the non-custodial parent with visitation, they cannot simply up and leave. The [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy Rights for Employees in NYS

Are you worried about what will happen if you take maternity leave? Pregnancy can already be incredibly stressful on your mind, body, and finances. Please keep reading to learn what your pregnancy rights are. If you believe your employer has violated your rights, we are here to help. Attorney Michelle Cimino is experienced in handling these types of cases. Give us a call today to set up a consultation. Paid Family Leave – Pregnancy Rights In New York State, your pregnancy rights entitle you to 12 weeks of partially paid maternity leave to bond with your newborn baby. This leave [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Grandparents Rights

Do Grandparents Have Rights in NYS?

When there is a significant change in your grandchild’s life, such as their parents getting divorced, or one parent passing away, you may worry about how it will impact your relationship with your grandchild. This can especially concern you if there is resistance in your attempts to spend time with your grandchild. Please keep reading to learn more about whether grandparents have rights in New York. Our Rochester family law attorney can help you through this challenging time. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office to schedule a consultation. When Do Grandparents Have Rights to Visitation? You may [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation

Family and Medical Leave Retaliation: Get Justice

Deciding to step away can be stressful. Whether you are stepping away from your job to be with a sick family member or welcome a new baby, you do not deserve to face family and medical leave retaliation at work. If you are dealing with workplace retaliation, our Rochester employment lawyer would gladly meet with you for a confidential consultation. Attorney Michelle Cimino will fight for your rights. What is Family and Medical Leave? In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act was written into law to provide eligible employees with 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a 12-month period. [...]

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Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog

Non-Custodial Parent FAQs

Going to court for custody is never easy. Our family lawyer, Michelle Cimino, can help you navigate this process. The following are questions that a non-custodial parent may have. Please keep reading to learn more. To set up a confidential consultation, call our office immediately. What Are My Rights? You are not powerless if you do not have physical custody. You are still your child’s parent, and you retain rights. You may not be the one making decisions about where your child lives, but you certainly have rights. Obtaining Your Child’s Records Even as the non-custodial parent, you can see [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law

Types of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Are you feeling uncomfortable because of how you are treated at work? You may wonder if you have a sexual harassment claim. There are two legal types of sexual harassment. If you believe you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, please get in touch with us right away. We would be more than happy to meet with you for a confidential consultation to talk about your legal options. Call us today to meet our Rochester employment lawyer Michelle Cimino. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Among the types of sexual harassment that you will find in the workplace is [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

Fault Divorces vs. No-Fault Divorces

Are you or your spouse getting ready to part ways? There is a lot to think about when you are heading towards divorce. In NYS, you can file for fault divorces if one spouse is at fault for the divorce. Our Rochester divorce lawyer knows how overwhelming it can feel for someone in the beginning stages of a divorce. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our office right away. We can get you set up with a consultation right away. Grounds for Fault Divorces There are several reasons why a court would grant you a fault divorce. The [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Wrongful Termination

Protected Classes in an Employment Case

Have you ever felt like you were unfairly treated at work? Have you ever been let go from a job in a manner that felt wrong? There is a chance that your rights were violated by your employer. If you are discriminated against or terminated based on belonging to protected classes, you have a right to pursue justice. Keep reading to learn more about how this works. When you are ready to set up a confidential consultation with an experienced and dedicated Rochester employment lawyer, please give our office a call. We would love to get you set up right [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

What is a Prenup?

Marriage is often thought of as a lifelong commitment, but we know that is not always realistic. It may be strange to think about the potential end of your marriage before you have even said your vows. However, it is common to plan for it. If you have been wondering, “What is a prenup?” please keep reading. Our Rochester divorce lawyer, Michelle Cimino, has been handling pre-marital legal concerns for many years. We would be happy to set you up with a consultation today. Give our office a call today. Prenuptial Agreements If you are planning a wedding, you likely [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Wrongful Termination

Should I Call a Wrongful Termination Lawyer?

In New York State, you can be fired for many reasons that do not break the law. Your boss can let you go simply because they do not like you. However, there are also many reasons why someone would need a wrongful termination lawyer to help them fight a violation of their employment rights. If you believe you have a wrongful termination case, please keep reading to learn more about these cases. When you are ready to reach out to a lawyer, please call our office right away. We would be happy to help you get the justice that you [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Separation Agreements

What is a Separation Agreement?

If you and your partner are making the decision to split up, you may be wondering what the right option is for you and your family. If getting a divorce does not seem like the right call, you may be looking into separating. For that, you will require a separation agreement. Please keep reading to learn more and then give our office a call to set up a consultation with our Rochester divorce lawyer Michelle Cimino. Does the Court Grant a Separation Agreement? You will not be granted legal separation in court. That might come as a relief to many. [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law

When to Call an Employment Discrimination Lawyer

Have you been made to feel uncomfortable at work? There are many instances in which you may need the help of an employment discrimination lawyer. If you believe that you are the victim of discrimination, please do not wait to call our Rochester lawyer. We would be glad to get you set up with a consultation right away. Call us as soon as possible. What is a Protected Characteristic? If you have been feeling uncomfortable at work, you may wonder if it is because of discrimination. There are protected characteristics in the United States that your employer cannot legally discriminate [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog

How Does NYS Child Support Work?

If you are separating from your spouse and have questions about NYS child support, we encourage you to reach out to our Rochester attorney right away. We can help you through your case, not only for child support but custody and/or divorce proceedings as well. Child support is fairly formulaic. Keep reading to get a better understanding of the way the state handles child support. When you are ready to get a dedicated lawyer in your corner, give us a call right away to set up a consultation. How NYS Child Support is Formulated When we are determining how much [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Fathers Rights Paternity

Establish Paternity for Custody Cases

When you are going through a separation from your partner, you likely have a lot of questions about what is going to happen with your children. If you are an unmarried couple, before going forward with your custody arrangements, NYS requires that you establish paternity. To learn more about how this is done, please keep reading. To meet with our Rochester family law attorney, please call our office today to set up a consultation. Why Do I Need to Establish Paternity? If you are not married to your children’s mother, in order to go forward with a custody case, you [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination

When to Call a Discrimination Lawyer

No one should feel unsafe at work. You are there to accomplish your tasks and provide for yourself and your family. If you are being discriminated against, it can make it hard for you to be at work. You may be wondering if it is time for you to reach out to a discrimination lawyer. We would be glad to meet with you for a confidential consultation if you believe that you are facing discrimination. You Were Passed Up for a Promotion There are several protected characteristics that you are legally not allowed to be discriminated against for. If you [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog

Custody Agreements for Unmarried Parents

You may wonder if custody agreements are different for unmarried parents who are separating. Our Rochester family law attorney would be glad to meet with you for a consultation to discuss your specific case with you. We have guided many unmarried couples through custody agreements. Please give us a call today to schedule your first meeting with our attorney Michelle Cimino today. Establishing Paternity In order to proceed with custody agreements in NYS, you need to establish paternity. Sometimes that is as simple as both parents signing a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity. Married parents have the law assume that the child [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law

Wage Theft: Do I Have a Case?

Wage theft makes victims out of employees who are being exploited by their employers. You may be wondering if your boss is guilty. Please keep reading to learn more about whether you might have a case against your employer. We can guide you through it every step of the way if you do. Give us a call today to set up a consultation with our Rochester employment lawyer. What is Wage Theft? The following are examples of types of cases we have handled involving workers being exploited out of proper pay. We have covered cases that involve employees being paid [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Same Sex Divorce

Same Sex Divorce FAQs

Are you preparing to go through a divorce? No matter who you are married to, divorce can be really hard. Since the legalization of same sex marriage in 2011, people have wondered about how same sex divorce works. These are some of the most commonly asked questions clients have when they are preparing for divorce. Our Rochester divorce lawyer would be more than happy to answer all of your questions during a consultation. Call our office today to get started. How Does Same Sex Divorce Work? You may wonder if the process for same sex divorce is different than that [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Mediation

Is Mediation Right for Me?

When you are in the beginning stages of divorce, you may be wondering how it will play out. You have likely seen people in your life go through traditional divorce litigation which can be quite difficult. Did you know that there is an easier way to go through a divorce? Mediation may be right for you. Keep reading to learn more about it and then give our Rochester divorce lawyer a call right away to set up a consultation. What is Divorce Mediation? The process of mediating a divorce is very straightforward. It does require that you and your spouse [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Understanding Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination can make going to your job unbearable. No one should have to face this type of treatment when they are trying to make their living. If you believe that you are a victim of discrimination but need to know more before you act on it, please keep reading. When you are ready to reach out to an attorney, please give our office a call right away. Identifying the Signs of Workplace Discrimination You may wonder if what you are going through at work is considered discrimination under the law. There are several protected characteristics. If someone is discriminating [...]

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Will I Have to Go to Divorce Trial?

Are you beginning the process of divorce and you are worried about having to head to a divorce trial? A lot of people are concerned about this happening to them. We know that it is concerning to have to think about being in front of a judge when you go through your divorce. Our Rochester divorce lawyer has been helping people navigate even the most complicated of divorces for many years. Please give our office a call to set up a consultation. What Happens at Divorce Trial? If you are wondering what to expect when you go to court for [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

Need Help Initiating Divorce?

The idea of divorce can make some people very emotional. However, you will know when you are ready. Initiating divorce can seem very complicated, but we can help you through it. Please keep reading to learn more about starting the divorce process. Our Rochester divorce lawyer would be happy to meet with you for a consultation to get started. Please give the office a call right away so we can set up your first meeting with Rochester Divorce attorney Michelle Cimino. Discuss Divorce with Your Spouse No one enters marriage expecting it to end in divorce, but the statistics show [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

Separate Property in Divorce

When you are considering divorce, you may be concerned with how you and your spouse are going to split your property and your assets. Something that you might be wondering about is your separate property. Our Rochester divorce lawyer can help you figure out what is going to be divided and what you get to keep. Please give our office a call right away. We would be happy to get you set up with a consultation. What is Separate Property? Generally speaking, if you owned something prior to your marriage, it is going to be considered separate. The type of [...]

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Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce

When to Call a Family Lawyer

If you are considering a significant change in your family, you are likely looking to reach out to a family lawyer. Whether you are separating from your spouse, breaking up with your child’s parent, or you want an adjustment in a court order, we are here to help you. Our Rochester divorce lawyer would be honored to represent you. Please call us right away to set up a consultation to get started. When You Are Going Through Divorce You will need a family lawyer if you are going to be divorcing your spouse. If you have served them the divorce [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Sexual Harassment

Do I Have a Sexual Harassment Case?

Are you feeling uncomfortable at work due to unwanted sexual advances? This can be incredibly upsetting and can have you contemplating leaving a job that you otherwise would enjoy. To find out if you have a sexual harassment case, the best move to make is to reach out to our Rochester employment lawyer. Please keep reading to learn more about these cases. When you are ready to get a confidential consultation about your case, please call us right away. We are here to help you get through this case successfully. Signs You Have a Sexual Harassment Case The idea of [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Grandparents Rights

What Are the Grandparent Visitation Rights?

Are you a grandparent who wants to establish rights to see their grandchildren? The saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child. Many grandparents wish to remain a part of that village, and they want to have legal rights to do so. Our Rochester divorce lawyer discusses the grandparent visitation rights. Please keep reading to learn about your rights as a grandparent, and then give us a call to set up a consultation with divorce attorney Michelle Cimino if you want dedicated representation. Granting Grandparent Visitation Rights The beginning of the process to receive rights to have [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Wrongfully Fired: What to Do When it Happens

Many of us know the stomach-dropping feeling of being called into a meeting unexpectedly. Getting let go is never easy, but it happens. However, when you think that you have been wrongfully fired, it can call for legal action. If you think you have been wrongfully terminated, our Rochester employment lawyer can help. Please do not wait to call and set up a consultation with us as soon as possible after you have been fired. We have brought justice for many people before and we would be glad to represent you as well. How Do I Know I’ve Been Wrongfully [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Paternity

Paternity Testing for Custody and Child Support

When parents are unmarried or there is suspicion of infidelity, paternity testing may be necessary in order to establish custody and child support. There are a lot of things to consider when you and your partner are splitting up with children involved. Our Rochester family law attorney Michelle Cimino can help shed light on what to expect. Please keep reading to learn about family law and paternity. We would be glad to get you set up with a consultation right away if you have more questions or you need a lawyer. Call us right away to get started. Do We [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Gender Discrimination

Position Discrimination and Workplace Gender Bias

No employer is allowed to discriminate against you based on your gender. A lot of people still hold outdated ideas of gender roles and they let these biases impact how they run their companies or businesses. Position discrimination is something that happens to men and women alike and it is prohibited. To learn more about your rights in the workplace and how gender bias can lead to an employment claim, please keep reading. Our Rochester employment lawyer is here to help you understand your rights and help you get justice. You can set up a consultation with our dedicated attorney, [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

Divorce Papers: Preparing to Serve Your Spouse

We understand that preparing for a divorce can be very emotional. Depending on the relationship you have with your spouse, you might be very nervous about serving them with divorce papers. We want you to know that you can find support in every step of your divorce process from our Rochester divorce attorney Michelle Cimino. Please keep reading to learn more about preparing to start your divorce, and then give us a call to set up a consultation. How Do I Prepare? We can go over how to prepare all of the things that you legally need to get ready [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog

Identifying Discrimination: What to Look For

Identifying discrimination is important if you believe that what you are experiencing is against your rights as a worker in NYS. Our Rochester employment lawyer knows how bad it can feel to be discriminated against at work. Whether it is about your sex, religion, race, etc. no employer is permitted to treat you differently. If you need tips on how to identify if you are being discriminated against, please call us right away to set up a confidential consultation. Am I Being Discriminated Against? The first step in identifying discrimination is knowing what your rights are. If you are being [...]


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Cimino Law Blog The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation

How to Handle Racial Discrimination at Work

Are you experiencing racial discrimination at work? Whether you are sure or not about being a victim of discrimination, we would like to hear from you. We can sit down for a confidential phone consultation with you to talk about your experience and give you much-needed legal advice. Our Rochester employment lawyer is here to help. Get your confidential consultation today. What is Considered as Racial Discrimination at Work? Because of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial discrimination is prohibited. If you are being treated by an employer differently because of your race, you likely [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Pregnancy Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

What to Do About Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination

The law protects you against discrimination for many things. When you are starting a family, you should never have to worry about losing your job or being denied employment because of your growing baby bump. Workplace pregnancy discrimination is a violation of your rights, and we want to protect you against employers who are comfortable with putting their employees through this. Call us right away and we can get you set up with a confidential consultation. What is Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination? You might not even be aware that you are a victim of pregnancy discrimination unless it is explicitly laid [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce

Planning for a Divorce During Covid

Are you and your spouse planning for a divorce during covid? You might be wondering how this is going to complicate the process. We assure you that we are going to work hard to get you through this smoothly with your best interests in mind. Call our Rochester family law attorney today to set up a consultation. Think About the Divorce Options It is no secret that the pandemic has been something of a mess for couples. Breakups and divorces have been rising because of the increased amount of time that we have been couped up with each other and [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Fathers Rights

What Are the Fathers Custodial Rights?

What Are the Fathers Custodial Rights? If you are anticipating or going through a custody battle with your spouse, you might be worried about what is going to happen. It is only natural to feel anxious. The courts in New York are ultimately going to determine the situation that keeps the child’s best interests in mind. A lot of fathers worry they will, by default, end up with the short end of the stick. That is not always the case. Here is what you need to know about the fathers custodial rights. How Custody Gets Determined The New York State [...]

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Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog

Can a Wage Attorney Sue My Employer?

Unfortunately, people are taken advantage of by their employers all the time. If you believe that your rights are being violated, you are likely looking for a wage attorney. We can help sue your employer if you are not getting paid the way you should be. Call our office right away to schedule a consultation. Let us help you get justice. Making a Claim for Wage Discrepancy In New York State, the Minimum Wage Act requires that employees who do not receive tips should be paid at or above $11.10 per hour. The minimum wage is going to reach $15 [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Family Law

What Does a Family Court Lawyer Do?

If you are in search of a family court lawyer, know that you are not alone. According to Legal Jobs, roughly every 36 seconds, someone is going through a divorce in the U.S. Needing a family court lawyer is common. They handle a wide variety of family law matters. If you are going through a divorce and need guidance, call today to set up a consultation. Family Law Matters a Family Court Lawyer Handles Here is a list of some of the aspects of family law we can help you with: Divorce Child support Child custody Spousal support/alimony Paternity, and [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law

Age Discrimination Lawyer Explains How To Create A Fair Work Environment

An Age Discrimination Lawyer Can Help Create a Fair Work Environment About one out of every five workers over the age of 40 have experienced some form of age-related discrimination on the job. If you find that you have faced discrimination in the workplace due to your age, you may be eligible for help to get the justice you deserve from an age discrimination lawyer. The Law Protects You The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids any type of discrimination in the workplace against employees or job applicants who are age 40 years and older based on their age. [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Labor Law National Origin Discrimination New York Employment Law Guide Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Employee Rights Lawyer Explains Discrimination in the Workplace

How Can An Employee Rights Lawyer Help? With so many different problems that can arise in a diverse workplace environment, employee rights lawyers play a major role in helping both employees and employers. In the year 2021 alone, there are upwards of 52% of people between the ages of 18 to 34 have experienced or witnessed ageism in the workplace. This is only one example of the violation of employee rights in the workplace. Due to the many employment laws from the federal government, state governments, and even local governments, an employee rights lawyer can help to ensure you stay [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Helping You Move Forward

How An Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Can Help Make Divorce A Smooth Transition If you are working through an uncontested divorce, do you really need to have an uncontested divorce lawyer? The short answer is a resounding, YES! Did you know the statistics show that even with an uncontested divorce, the entire process can still take up to two years without a lawyer in your corner? But when you have the right legal team, what should you expect from an uncontested divorce? In an uncontested divorce, this means both parties can reach an agreement about many of the issues that typically [...]


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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

What are Visitation Schedules?

What are Visitation Schedules? Experienced Rochester Divorce and Child Custody Attorney Explains Visitation Schedules in New York If you have children and are going through a divorce, there is no doubt that this change will be stressful for your child. Ultimately, the court has the final say about who has legal or physical custody over the child. This is based upon what’s in the child’s best interest, as well as parental, family, and friends’ testimonials. In some cases, one person will be granted sole custody, but in certain cases, custody rights will be granted to both parents. If granted sole [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce New York Family Law Guide The Cimino Law Blog

Contested Divorce Lawyer Explains Settling Disagreements

Learn How A Contested Divorce Lawyer Can Help Settle Disagreements Divorce is a difficult decision to come to and it comes with many challenges, especially if the other party does not want the divorce. It is bound to have some conflict with it, even more so if there are disagreements with property, assets, custody, child, or even spousal support. Did you know that the updated divorce rate is 2.7 in every 1,000 people? These staggering numbers unfortunately continue to be on the rise. When you find yourself in a situation where you and your spouse are unable to agree on [...]

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Employment Discrimination Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Workplace Retaliation Lawyer

What is workplace retaliation? Workplace retaliation is when an employer punishes an applicant or employee for “asserting their rights to be free from employment discrimination including harassment.” When a person asserts their rights, it is known as “protected activity” and an employer is not allowed to punish them for this activity. If you find that your employer has retaliated against you for asserting your rights,  you need to speak with an experienced workplace retaliation lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights. Examples of protected activity include: Refusing to commit illegal acts when told to by the employer Refusing [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog

Disability Discrimination Lawyer Explains Discrimination in the Workplace

Experienced Disability Discrimination Lawyer Explains Discrimination in the Workplace Disability discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly because of a disability. This can also happen if a person is treated unjustly because of a past disability, like a past depressive episode. A disability is a physical or mental impairment. Sometimes a disability is visible, like if a person is in a wheelchair, and other times they are seemingly invisible, like many mental disabilities. The United States government protects people with disabilities from disability discrimination through the Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act. Both these acts state that American employers [...]

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Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Gender Discrimination Lawyer

Gender Discrimination Lawyer Explains Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Gender discrimination is when a person is discriminated against or treated differently because of their gender. This can happen anywhere, from work to the public. Some people do not see gender discrimination as a real problem and think that we have moved on from it, but there are many statistics that prove that gender discrimination is still an issue. You want equal opportunities at work, but your employer has let you down. We understand how difficult this is for you, and we encourage you to fight for your rights. Contact an [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law National Origin Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Racial Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Racial Discrimination Lawyer Helping Victims of Discrimination in the Workplace Do you find yourself facing racial discrimination or harassment on the job? Maybe you’ve encountered people treating you differently than others of a different race. You may not realize it, but racism in the workplace is worse than many think, in fact upwards of 42% of employees have experienced racism or witnessed it while at work. Whatever the issue, it may be time to speak with a racial discrimination lawyer to discover what the next best steps you should take are. The Law is Clear Title VII of the Civil [...]

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Age Discrimination Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination National Origin Discrimination Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination The Cimino Law Blog Wrongful Termination

Rochester Discrimination Lawyer Explains Your Rights

Discrimination happens when a person is treated differently or seen differently than someone else because of their race, age, sex, gender, etc. If you are ever discriminated against in the workplace, it’s important to connect with an experienced Rochester discrimination lawyer who can help explain and protect your legal rights. With over 20 years of experience, attorney Michelle Cimino has helped countless employees fight against discrimination in the workplace, and she can help you too. Contact The Cimino Law Firm to arrange a confidential consultation and let our experience work for you. Types of Discrimination Discrimination can happen anywhere; it [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Webster Divorce Lawyer Explains The Divorce Process

A divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. Many people get divorced in their lifetime. About 50% of first-time marriages end in divorce according to the American Psychological Association. Divorce is not an easy process, so it is important that you receive the assistance you need. Contact a Webster divorce lawyer to get help with your divorce. Keep reading to learn more about the divorce process and what happens when you get a divorce in New York State. The Divorce Process Filing Divorce The first step is formally filing for divorce with the court. Written documents will be created [...]

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Alimony Divorce Family Law Fathers Rights High Net-Worth Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Can Men Receive Spousal Support?

Can Men Receive Spousal Support? Divorce can be difficult for every party involved. It often requires long hours, high fees, and tolling emotional stress to get through the process. Part of the divorce process involves the separation and division of marital property. This process takes all shared assets under consideration and equally divides them fairly between spouses to ensure that they each get what they deserve. But what happens if one spouse is more well-off than the other? That’s where spousal support comes in. But can men receive spousal support? Spousal support, otherwise known as alimony, is when one spouse [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination National Origin Discrimination Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

What is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

What is the EEOC or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? Keep Reading To Find Out. You might’ve heard of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when applying for jobs or new work positions, but what they do is sometimes unclear to the general public. Traditionally, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, handles the federal laws that prevent workplace discrimination. This is, thus, suggested by the commission’s name, as it refers to employing all people equally. Some may believe that the EEOC solely focuses on the hiring aspect, though, yet this is untrue. The EEOC handles much more than just ensuring all [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Family Law Attorney Answers Common Child Support Questions

Rochester Family Law Attorney Answers Common Child Support Questions Dealing with a child support case is very overwhelming, stressful, and emotional for everybody involved. For those who have never had to deal with paying child support before there can be numerous burning questions that need to be answered. In order to deal with your child support case properly, you should be prepared and have a good general understanding of the ins and outs of paying child support. However, that can be easier said than done. Information found online can often be conflicting, not to mention the higher emotions involved with [...]

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Alimony Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Alimony and Spousal Support in New York

Rochester Spousal Support Lawyer Explains Everything You Should Know About Alimony and Spousal Support Divorce proceedings that involve minor children often include the need to pay alimony, which is also commonly referred to as spousal support. Alimony and spousal support are essentially the same things. These cases are often very stressful and can be hotly debated, particularly in divorces that end up being complex, non-amicable, and emotional. If you’re going through a divorce, don’t worry yet. Alimony isn’t always awarded by family court judges, however, there is a good chance if you have minor children you will need to pay [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Pittsford Divorce Lawyer Explains What to Do After Getting Served with Divorce Papers

Getting served with divorce papers is an unpleasant experience for anyone and it’s something that should certainly be taken very seriously. It’s far too easy, all be it understandable, to react extremely emotionally when served with divorce papers. However, it’s important to keep a cool head and respond correctly in order to ensure that you make the right choices and that your best interests and your rights are sufficiently protected. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re expecting to be served with papers, your response to a divorce petition can have a serious impact on how the case turns out [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Separation Agreements The Cimino Law Blog

Legal Separation and Divorce: What Are The Differences?

Many people don’t realize that legal separation and divorce are actually entirely different things. Separation tends to be something we equate with the stage right before a married couple finalized their divorce. However, legal separation is more than just a couple choosing to go their separate ways before they’re able to get officially divorced in the eyes of the law. In both situations, there is an agreement between the two parties that is court-ordered. In the case of a legal separation, that agreement is referred to as a separation agreement and in the case of divorce, it is a divorce [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law New York Employment Law Guide The Cimino Law Blog Wrongful Termination

Rochester Employment Lawyer Explains Unlawful Termination in New York

Rochester Employment Lawyer Explains Unlawful Termination in New York If you’ve recently experienced being fired for something that you didn’t consider your fault, or that you think was illegal, then you’re probably wondering whether or not it can be considered unlawful termination. Let’s get the bad news out the way right off the bat, the majority of employees in the United States are “at-will”. That means that, essentially, your employer has the discretion to fire you for any reason. But there’s a big caveat to that. An employer cannot fire an employee for any reasons that violate an employment contract, [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Labor Law The Cimino Law Blog

New York Labor Lawyer

New York Labor Lawyer Labor laws are constantly changing. Therefore, employers must be vigilant about staying up-to-date on the current standards and practices. As an employer, you may need to work with a New York labor lawyer to ensure that your company is properly abiding by any labor laws that apply to your business. For employees, New York labor lawyers can help you uphold your rights as an employee. Is Labor Law The Same As Employment Law? Labor laws and employment laws are not the same. Labor law is a specialized field of law that covers a much narrower area [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Divorce Lawyer for Dads in Rochester

Divorce Lawyer for Dads in Rochester Divorces can be an incredibly different experience for a man to undergo. If you are a father, a divorce can also lead to limits being placed on your parental rights. Choosing a divorce lawyer for dads will help you retain as many parental rights as possible while also ensuring that your needs are attended to as your divorce case proceeds. Michelle Cimino of the Cimino Law Firm is a dedicated divorce lawyer for dads in Rochester, with a thorough background in family law and divorce. You can work with her to ensure that your [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Discrimination Attorney

Rochester Discrimination Attorney If you have been the victim of workplace discrimination, you should work with a discrimination attorney to ensure that your rights are respected. With the help of a Rochester discrimination attorney, you can get compensation from any employer who displayed conduct that violates U.S. discrimination laws. The Rochester discrimination attorneys at The Cimino Law Firm are ready to represent you. Employment Discrimination and help of Rochester Discrimination Attorney Discrimination in the workplace is a serious matter that should be addressed through the legal system. If an employer breaks the federal or state laws that are in place [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Domestic Violence Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Domestic Violence Lawyer

Rochester Domestic Violence Lawyer If you or your loved ones have been the victim of domestic violence, you may be in need of a domestic violence lawyer. Likewise, if you have been accused of committing domestic violence-related crimes, a domestic violence lawyer can help you defend yourself in court. By choosing a Rochester domestic violence lawyer who has a thorough understanding of criminal law and family law, you can ensure the best possible outcome for your case. What Is A Rochester Domestic Violence Lawyer? Domestic violence lawyers are attorneys who litigate legal cases where domestic abuse is involved. Domestic abuse [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Divorce Lawyers

Rochester Divorce Lawyers If you are getting divorced in Rochester, NY, you should consider getting help from one of Cimino Law’s Rochester divorce lawyers. Our team of lawyers understands the complexities of family law, meaning we will help you secure a fair and equitable divorce ruling. Here are some potential grounds for divorce our Rochester divorce lawyers can help you argue in your divorce case. No-fault Divorce Some divorce cases are filed because both spouses are unhappy in their marriage, not because one of them is at fault. In New York, no-fault divorces became possible in 2010. Therefore, your Rochester [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Child Support Lawyer

Rochester Child Support Lawyer When the parents of a child choose to separate, their child’s wellbeing must still be accounted for. If one parent assumes primary responsibility for the child following a breakup, the other parent may be required to provide financial support to ensure that their child is properly taken care of. If you would like to request child support from the other parent of your child, a Rochester child support lawyer would be of great help. They will help you argue your case in court, ensuring that you receive the most reasonable child support arrangement possible. How Much [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Paternity The Cimino Law Blog

Paternity Lawyer in Rochester, New York

Paternity Lawyer in Rochester, New York There are many reasons to enlist the help of a paternity lawyer in Rochester, New York. The main reason to do so would be to establish paternity for a child. To establish paternity means to create a legal declaration stating that you are the father of a child. This may be necessary to obtain parental rights and to ensure that your child is in a position to inherit your assets upon your death. Do you need a Paternity Lawyer in Rochester, New York ? It may seem like this process is simple, but it can actually [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Matrimonial Attorney in Rochester, NY

Matrimonial Attorney in Rochester, NY A matrimonial attorney is a lawyer who has proven that they have exceptional experience and education in the realms of matrimonial law practice. They specialize in cases like child custody, divorce, alimony, adoption, and child support. If you will soon be engaging in a divorce or family court case, here is how a matrimonial attorney in Rochester, NY can help you. What To Expect From A Divorce Case When a marriage ends, there are often a variety of unique factors that come into question. Such as, how assets will be divided and who will retain [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Divorce Lawyer

Rochester Divorce Lawyer Getting married is a beautiful experience but staying married requires a lot of patience and compromise. After taking your vows and signing the marriage certificate, you have made a deal to “love and to hold till death do you part.” Surprisingly, death is not the only inevitable factor that acts as a meddlesome interloper to separate married couples. Divorce is a stressful process. Rochester Divorce lawyer who is reliable, experienced, and intelligent to handle the many nuances involved in divorce matters is exactly whom you need as your advocate. Every marriage is unique and different. However, the [...]


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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer in Rochester, NY A divorce can be a painstaking process, especially if you have a high-net-worth or assets exceeding $1,000,000 in value. Filing the divorce petition, dividing assets, and attending court dates—each step takes significant time and money. For individuals with a high income and plentiful assets, the process is often even more complicated. A high-net-worth divorce can become challenging because it is often more difficult to identify and evaluate the worth of the couple’s assets. To protect yourself from the risk of an unfair divorce judgment, seek aid from a high-net-worth divorce lawyer. A high-net-worth [...]

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Alimony Cimino Law Blog Divorce High Net-Worth Divorce

Spousal Support in Rochester, NY

Experienced Rochester Divorce Attorney Explains Spousal Support in New York Whenever you’re going through a divorce, life can become complicated. This can be due to the time and money you’re spending on the divorce process, as well as all of the emotional troubles that come from it. There is a lot to know about divorce when you’re going through it, as knowledge is power. If you’re familiar with the aspects of divorce, you’re more likely to have a smooth and successful one. One key part of divorce is spousal support, otherwise known as alimony. Alimony is essential to determine in [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination National Origin Discrimination Religious Discrmination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

What is a Hostile Work Environment?

Experienced Rochester Employment Lawyer Explains Hostile Work Environments If you have a job, you may have heard the term “hostile work environment” but could be unsure of what this ‘environment’ truly is. Traditionally, a hostile work environment is considered any job or work environment where a coworker or boss partakes in actions that make doing the job nearly impossible. These can be seen in behavior, communication, or general actions taken by the individual, and they tend to be discriminatory in nature. This could cause you, or others, to feel unwelcome based upon gender, race, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or [...]


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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Military Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Property Division and Divorce

How is Property Divided in Divorce? Experienced Rochester Divorce Lawyer Explains Property Division and Divorce Divorces can be difficult. There is a lot of information to understand, and there is often plenty of situations, both financial and emotional, to settle. When you’re going through a divorce, it’s vital you know what you’re responsible for, as well as what you have a right to throughout the process. New York, unlike other states in the US, is an equitable distribution state. When a state is an equitable distribution state, this means that the property shared in a marriage will be fairly and [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Military Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Military Divorce Lawyer

Military Divorce Lawyer The end of a marriage is always complicated. Of course, if you had a good lawyer (s), the whole experience would be less tiring. While many law firms and lawyers may have learned to handle divorce amongst civilians reasonably well because of how often civilian divorce cases come around. Things are quite different when military divorce is concerned. This blog post offers useful insights into the meaning of military divorce, the peculiarities of military divorce compared to a civilian divorce, and the all-essential need to employ a competent military divorce lawyer/attorney. A General View of Military Divorce Military divorce [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Free Divorce Consultation

Free Divorce Consultation Let us take a wild guess here? Right now, you are reading this post because you want to know more about divorce – your rights, the other parties’ rights, and all the necessary information. With enough experience in Divorce law and its practice, we can confidently say that, divorce may get very complicated, especially when you go through it without a team of expert divorce lawyers. You probably already know that you need a lawyer. The other thing you want to figure out is whether or not a particular lawyer, or law firm, is the right fit for [...]

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Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Fathers Rights Mediation Military Divorce Paternity Same Sex Divorce Separation Agreements Spousal Maintenance Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Family Law Attorneys

Family Law Attorneys Families disagree all the time. Sometimes, disagreements get quickly sorted out on their own. Other times, disputes in a family can get so complicated that there is simply no way to achieve resolution without involving a third party. Fortunately, the law has an entire branch dedicated to handling family matters – Family Law. Over time, several attorneys and lawyers have attended to so many family matters that it has become their specialty. Much like corporate issues, everyone has their agenda that they’d rather see-through. These family law attorneys are the ones you must turn to when you seek to [...]

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Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Divorce Modifications

Divorce Modifications What would life be like if you never had the option to correct mistakes or make adjustments? It would probably feel like a prison. Most people are under the misconception that agreements (contracts) are always irreversible or unmodifiable. This is pretty much the case for some agreements but certainly not every one of them. A kind of agreement that is modifiable is a – Divorce Decree/Divorce Agreement/Separation Agreement. This article looks to facilitate your understanding of how the practice of divorce modifications work and whether it is a viable option for you. A brief and engaging discussion on divorce modifications [...]

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Child Custody Child Support Family Law Separation Agreements Spousal Maintenance Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Separation Agreements Explained by Rochester Divorce Lawyer

Separation Agreements Explained by Rochester Divorce Lawyer This post will take you briefly through separation agreements explained by dedicated Rochester Divorce Lawyer Michelle Cimino. In this post, we discuss the basics to help you understand how separation agreements work and whether they may be the best option for you, if you’re considering separation. Separation Agreements : An Introduction Pulling away from a relationship, especially marriage, is never easy. It becomes even more complicated when there’s an understanding that much like a marriage, separation will affect your life in many ways. Usually, marriages have the effect of merging the previously separate [...]

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Divorce Equitable Distribution Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Equitable Distribution Explained by Rochester Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Rochester Divorce Lawyer Explains Equitable Distribution in New York The relevance of the ‘equitable distribution’ concept is strongly connected to divorce. Given the prevalence of divorce between married couples and the economic nature of marriage in contemporary society, it has become essential to make sure that all parties to a divorce arrangement get what is due to them. There’s absolutely no doubt that if the courts of law fail to intervene in the distribution of resources at the end of a marriage, injustice would be too frequent. One of the best methods applied by most courts in the United [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Child Support Enforcement Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Experienced Rochester Divorce Lawyer Explains Child Support Enforcement In New York This easy-to-read post helps you understand the basics of child support and how to protect your interest and your children through child support enforcement. Get in touch with dedicated Rochester child support attorney Michelle Cimino today. The Importance of Child Support Over twenty-five million children in the United States grow up without both their parents. These figures are disturbing, especially when you consider the burden on the children’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Children need both parents to increase their chances of growing to responsible adulthood. Some particular events [...]

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Alimony Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Military Divorce Spousal Maintenance Spousal Support The Cimino Law Blog

Spousal Maintenance in Rochester, NY

Dedicated Rochester Divorce Lawyer Explains Spousal Maintenance vs. Spousal Support Spousal maintenance, sometimes referred to as alimony is a form of payment paid to one spouse to the other for a pre-determined period of time following a divorce. The amount of spousal maintenance and the duration of time it will be paid is decided by the court based on a variety of factors and evidence provided by the parties. Now that we’re in 2020, many households have moved away from the traditional model of the breadwinning husband and stay-at-home wife. As a result, New York State laws have adjusted accordingly [...]


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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

Gay And Lesbian Rights Attorney in Rochester, NY

Gay And Lesbian Rights Attorney in Rochester, NY The all-too-significant relevance of rights cannot be whittled down, given the human rights struggles in recent times. If these struggles have proved anything, It is that rights matter to the existence of individuals because they dictate what certain individuals have access to as well as how they should be treated. When the rights of humans weren’t codified, we had a world where people were treated unfairly and subjected to degrading forms of human treatment. Gays and lesbians have become a part of our society, and there is the need to recognize them [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog Uncategorized

Transgender Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Experienced Transgender Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY Transgender people come from all walks of life. They do not, in any way, bear striking similarities with the aliens of the Outer space. They are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters. They are people, with real feelings, and lots of love to give. The transgender community is diverse in the most beautiful way. The term ‘transgender’ is an umbrella (a giant umbrella) term that describes people whose gender identity does not fit with the sex assigned to them at birth. Transgender people exist and have existed in practically every culture. The most [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog

Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Experienced Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawyer Protecting Your Rights in Rochester, NY In a world of limited opportunities like ours, humans have to seek for it painstakingly, it then becomes a tragedy of sorts when one is denied a fighting chance due to his/her sexual orientation. While the world has gone through phases of evolution, we can agree that the world has been a safer place to be in recent times due to the existence of rights. Awesome as this may seem, we still have individuals that are deprived of access to opportunities because of something as natural and fundamental to their [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination The Cimino Law Blog

LGBTQ Discrimination Attorney in Rochester, NY

LGBTQ+ Discrimination Attorney in Rochester, NY It would be nigh-impossible to give a clear rundown, in quick fashion, of what levels of discrimination go on in the LGBTQ community without having to deal with some memo, a memo which anti-LGBTQ proponents don’t seem to get — that the LGBTQ community are first humans pretty much like anyone else, before choosing whichever path of the LGBT spectrum they pitch their tents with. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (questioning). The LGBTQ community is made of those whose sexual orientation falls into any of those categories. Now it’s time [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination New York Employment Law Guide Uncategorized

Gay And Lesbian Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Gay And Lesbian Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY In the 21st century, we have a world where laws have continually adapted to reflect the lives of people that live in it; we have a world where technological advancement is at its peak and still progressing; we have a world where governments strive to make environments safe for their citizens and despite these positives, we still have a world where gay and lesbian discrimination exists, Tragic. The idea of being gay or being a lesbian is one that stems from one’s sexuality, and different sexuality exist. A person is gay when [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Ageism in the Workplace

Rochester Employment Lawyer Protecting Against Ageism in the Workplace Equality is essential, especially while you’re at work. Nobody wants to be treated unequally to another person of equal importance. That’s why when ageism is apparent in the workplace, it can cause significant issues between the work dynamic. Ageism is a growing concern now that wages are not fully covering an increasing cost of living. There are plenty of concerns relating to ageism, but before understanding these, it’s important to understand what exactly it is. What is Ageism? Ageism, otherwise known as age discrimination, is when there is evident prejudice towards [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Uncontested Divorce in Rochester, NY

Uncontested Divorce in Rochester, NY It’s easy to feel out of control when you’re going through a divorce. Some situations may be out of your power, but others you have direct control over. One of these is the type of divorce you choose. If you and your soon to be former spouse both agree that a divorce is necessary, an uncontested one is the way to go. There’s a lot of information to know before filing, especially an uncontested one, as this differs significantly from a contested divorce. Be sure to learn about the ins and outs of an uncontested [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination National Origin Discrimination Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Equal Pay Act Explained

Rochester Employment Lawyer Helping To Enforce Equal Pay for Equal Work In life, everybody deserves equality. This means that each gender should have the same rights and luxuries than the other. Unfortunately, this is not often depicted in reality. Because of gender discrimination, males and females are often paid different wages. Men are compensated higher than females for completing work that is often identical. However, this is against the law after the introduction of the Equal Pay Act, otherwise known as the EPA. Understanding the EPA is important, especially if you think you’re being compensated unequally. What is the Equal [...]

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No-Fault Divorce in Rochester, NY

Considering No-Fault Divorce? Here’s What You Need To Know Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult and stressing times for everyone involved. The process can be long and grueling, especially if you’re filing for a fault divorce. Another option for divorce is known as a no-fault divorce and it can save both parties time, money, and stress. When you file no-fault, the process is different than a fault divorce, but it is one of the most beneficial ways to acquire a divorce if you and the other party. Prior to filing for a no-fault divorce, there [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law National Origin Discrimination Religious Discrmination Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Racial Discrimination in The Workplace

Rochester Employment Lawyer Fighting Against Racial Discrimination in The Workplace Everybody deserves to be treated equally to another. Unfortunately, this is not the reality that many people experience, especially in work settings. Often times, people are racially discriminated against. This can happen at any point throughout your career. When you are racially discriminated against at work, it may make you feel like lesser of a person. Thankfully, it’s important to understand that racial discrimination is illegal and can be acted upon with legal ramifications. If you’ve been racially discriminated against, it’s vital you seek justice. What Is Racial Discrimination? People [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog

Gender Identity Discrimination Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Experienced Rochester Gender Identity Discrimination Lawyer Protecting The Rights of LGBTQ Employees In New York Bringing the hallucinations of lesser courts and the general public into clarity within the realm of justice has always been the portfolio of the Supreme Court for eons. In furtherance of this mandate, the Supreme Court swung the pendulum of justice with its judgment in a landmark 6-3 ruling dated 15th of June, 2020. Keep reading to learn more, and if you’ve been a victim of gender identity discrimination in the workplace, contact us today to arrange a confidential consultation with Rochester employment attorney Michelle [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Enforcing Child Support in Rochester, NY

Need Help Enforcing Child Support? Schedule A Confidential Consultation Today! Whether you’re going through a divorce or the parent of your child has no desire to support your kid, you may feel stuck and struggling to care for your child in the most essential ways. Plenty of people around the nation share a similar story. Thankfully, there are ways for enforcing child support requirements and allowing your child’s other parent to contribute financially to their wellbeing. Before you understand how child support can be enforced, it’s vital that you understand the background behind child support. What is Child Support? In [...]

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Divorce Family Law High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Divorce Arbitration in Rochester, NY

Dedicated Family Lawyer Providing Divorce Arbitration in Rochester, NY Divorce can be a difficult and stressful time in life. While there are multiple ways to go about getting a divorce in the United States and still achieve the same outcome, there are two negotiation tactics that can produce different consequences. They are known as divorce arbitration and divorce mediation. The two are very similar, but each option requires different measures taken by the parties involved. Before deciding whether you would rather go through with either arbitration or mediation, it’s important to understand what the process to its core. What is [...]


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Cimino Law Blog Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination LGBT Discrimination

LGBT Employment Discrimination

The Latest Supreme Court Decision Banning LGBT Employment Discrimination The LGBT community has come a long way over the last few decades, as was made clear by the historic Supreme Court ruling of June 15, 2020, which upheld that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects LGBT employees from discrimination based on sex, including gender identity and sexual orientation discrimination.  In a surprising 6-3 ruling, liberal Justices Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor were joined by Gorsuch and Chief Justice Roberts, while Alito, Kavanaugh, and Thomas dissented. If you’ve been a victim of sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace, keep reading to [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Fathers Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Divorce Attorney

Rochester Divorce Attorney Getting a divorce can often be one of the most stressful and complicated times in life. After all, when you first get married, you likely don’t think about splitting up in the future. Because these times can be so tough, it could help to have someone in your corner to explain the divorce process. This could save you stress when learning about the nitty gritty divorce process and communicating with the other party to avoid conflict. Regardless of your desire to find a Rochester divorce attorney, hiring one to lend you a hand can aid the process [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Female Lawyer in Rochester

Female Lawyer in Rochester Choosing a lawyer can seem like a difficult and complicated action to take. After all, there are hundreds of lawyers available, and you want to hire the best and most capable one for your specific situation. In the past, there were often stigmas associated with females holding powerful positions. One classic example of this powerful position was law. Because of this, people used to shy away from working with female lawyers. Today, however, this is not the case. In times of developing equal rights, many began to realize the benefits that female professionals had over males. [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Divorce Attorney in Rochester

Divorce Attorney in Rochester Divorce is often one of the most trying times in someone’s life. If you’re going through with one, you may be feeling defeated, stressed, and full of questions. Thankfully, there are ways to help this. By hiring a divorce attorney in Rochester, you may be able to feel more comfortable going through with your divorce process. Instead of going at it alone, you’ll have someone in your corner to support you along the way. There is a lot to know about divorce and divorce attorneys prior to hiring one. What is a Divorce Attorney? A divorce [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog Family Law The Cimino Law Blog

Child Support in Rochester

Child Support in Rochester Your child is likely one of the most important people in your life. They deserve the best care they can get. Sometimes, when people go through custody battles, the child is left essentially split. This means that the care for this child must be divided properly in order to ensure they are cared for properly. One of the ways that this is done is through child support. Child support can act as a lifeline for many parents who otherwise would struggle to care for their child on their own. If you’re going through a divorce or [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Domestic Violence Family Law Fathers Rights Grandparents Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Family Lawyer

Rochester Family Lawyer Helping You Move Forward When issues arise in the home, they may only be settled with a family lawyer. Essentially, family lawyers are legally trained professionals that handle matters of family law. This means that as long as an issue falls under the category of family law, a family lawyer may be able to assist you. Hiring a Rochester family lawyer may seem scary and difficult at first, but they can truly help work through any issues that you may be experiencing. What Does Family Law Cover? Family law covers situations that arise in the home and [...]

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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Domestic Violence Family Law Mediation Military Divorce Paternity Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Should I Hire A Female Divorce Attorney?

Dedicated Female Divorce Attorney Serving Rochester, NY Selecting a divorce attorney for your family law case is one of the most important things you may do, as it will impact every facet of your life, including your children, your emotions, and your finances. Having an experienced advocate on your side during this trying time is crucial, and dedicated female divorce attorney Michelle Cimino understands how important and difficult this time in her clients’ lives is. She has been practicing divorce and family law in Rochester, NY for over 22 years. She aggressively advocates on behalf of her clients with compassion [...]


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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Fathers Rights Grandparents Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Mediation Military Divorce Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Rochester Divorce Attorney: A Clients Guide

Looking For An Experienced Rochester Divorce Attorney? Find Out What You Need To Know Although it may be the furthest thing from your mind on your wedding day — marriage is a legal agreement. Once you say “I do,” you become a part of a legal entity that consists of yourself and your spouse. Your marriage has a legal impact on everything from your assets to your children, and in cases of divorce, all of these things have to be settled in an agreement between you and your former spouse. A Rochester divorce attorney at The Cimino Law Firm can [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Family Law Paternity The Cimino Law Blog

Custody Lawyer in Rochester, NY

Custody Lawyers: An Ultimate Guide to Choosing A Custody Lawyer in Rochester, NY Whether you are in the midst of a divorce or you are considering seeking legal aid to help you gain a custody order granting you rights to your child, you may have realized that hiring a custody lawyer may be the best way to mitigate any issues between you and your spouse. This guide will help you make an informed decision regarding hiring a custody lawyer in Rochester, NY and give you insights into the role they play in custody litigation. What is a Custody Lawyer? A [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination Guides Legal Guides National Origin Discrimination New York Employment Law Guide Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

Coronavirus and the Workplace: Know Your Rights

An Employees Guide To Coronavirus and the Workplace This is not intended to be legal advice and is a summary of FAQ based on the most recent laws and executives orders available as of 4/2/20. WORKING FROM HOME Q: Can you be fired for working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic? A: As of March 22, 2020, the Governor of New York has ordered non-essential business employees not to go into work. Therefore, you cannot be fired for working from home if you work for a non-essential business. If you work for an essential business but are not deemed an [...]


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Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Domestic Violence Family Law Fathers Rights Grandparents Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Legal Guides Mediation Military Divorce New York Family Law Guide The Cimino Law Blog

Coronavirus Family Law Guide

How To Protect Your Family During The Coronavirus Pandemic This is not intended to be legal advice and is a summary of FAQ based on the most recent laws and executives orders available as of 4/2/20. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES Q: What should I be thinking about in relation to protecting my child from Coronavirus? What items should me and my child’s other parent be discussing? A: You should consult the following: The Center for Disease Control’s website and any latest recommendations Be diligent about keeping yourself, your child’s other parent, and your child away from anyone who has been diagnosed with [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Employment Law The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

What is the Whistleblower Protection Act?

What is the Whistleblower Protection Act? In the media today, there has been a lot of talk about a whistleblower in the political field. What people may not understand, though, is that whistleblowers can exist everywhere outside of politics. Essentially, a whistleblower is someone who brings light to or informs an organization about secretive and illegal or unethical information committed by another individual or group. Whistleblowers act for the good of the unit as a whole in order to see an organization succeed without any harm. In order to protect the anonymity of whistleblowers, the Whistleblower Protection Act, otherwise known [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce High Net-Worth Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

How is a 401K Handled in Divorce?

How is a 401K Handled in Divorce? Divorce settlements can be excruciating. They often last an extended period of time and lead to an excess amount of stress and confusion. There’s a lot to know about what you or your soon-to-be ex is entitled to in a divorce. One major question that prevails through divorce hearings is how a 401K is handled. A 401K is a retirement savings plan that is sponsored by an employer. Employees can add contributions to this automatically through their payroll at work. Traditionally, these funds are not taxed until the employee withdraws the retirement money. [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Divorce Domestic Violence High Net-Worth Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

What is Marital Abandonment?

What is Marital Abandonment? When you get married, you rarely think that you and your spouse will run into significant issues. After all, people get married to stay together for life. Unfortunately, unexpected events and situations can occur that lead to marital issues. If this happens, you and your spouse may decide to break up. This is known as a divorce and is quite common in society. Sometimes, though, one spouse leaves the other, either physically or in their actions. This is known as marital abandonment. Ultimately, marital abandonment occurs when one spouse completely severs ties with the other and [...]

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Child Custody Cimino Law Blog Divorce High Net-Worth Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Are Debts Divided in Divorce?

Are Debts Divided in Divorce? When going through a divorce, it’s important to understand exactly what you and your current spouse are entitled to. New York State happens to be an equal division property state which means that every marital property gets split equally to ensure a fair and equal separation. But does this apply to debt acquired throughout the marriage? The short answer is, yes. Debt is usually divided in divorce in order to ensure both parties have equal responsibility over these debts. There are some specific factors that must be followed depending on the type of debt that’s [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

Social Media and Divorce

Social Media and Divorce Rochester divorce attorney Michelle Cimino explains why you should avoid social media when going through a divorce In this day and age, the majority of people have social media pages. Everybody loves to share every aspect about their life on their social media pages, yet they refuse to see the potential harm that doing so can cause – especially within a divorce. A divorce is a hard time for anybody, but instead of running to social media (which is easy to do), one should refrain from over-utilizing their media pages. This allows people to focus on [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Mediation The Cimino Law Blog

Common Divorce Mistakes

Common Divorce Mistakes If you’re going through a divorce, you know how messy and stressful they can become. Sometimes, people make mistakes, and mistakes throughout the process of divorce is no different. While everybody’s divorce and situations are unique, there are some common mistakes that people tend to make when going through their divorce. There are many things that you should do in order to ensure your divorce goes as smoothly as possible with the least harm done. Whether done intentionally or unintentionally, these mistakes happen. Instead of letting them happen to you, learn from other people’s mistakes and avoid [...]

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Cimino Law Blog Divorce Family Law Mediation The Cimino Law Blog

What if My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?

What if My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers? Divorce is hard. It puts a lot of stress on all people involved, especially both spouses. Sometimes, one spouse may feel as if the divorce should not occur. They may desire to work through the issues at hand, or they may just want to stay married. Whatever the reason, this will likely lead to a spouse refusing to sign divorce papers. When your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, this is known as a contested divorce. Throughout a contested divorce, the spouse that wishes to file for divorce must go through [...]

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Child Support Cimino Law Blog The Cimino Law Blog

Child Support Guidelines in NY State

Child Support Guidelines in NY State If you’re going through a divorce or a paternity struggle, the issue of child support is likely on your mind. There is a lot to know about child support guidelines in New York State, and it’s important that you understand all of the child support guidelines in order to ensure you and your child’s other parent are doing their part. Both parents are equally responsible for providing for the financial needs of their child, so when there’s a separation or a divorce, this child support is established through the courts system. There are multiple [...]

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Age Discrimination Cimino Law Blog Disability Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Gender Discrimination Legal Guides National Origin Discrimination New York Employment Law Guide Pregnancy Discrimination Religious Discrmination Sexual Harassment The Cimino Law Blog Workplace Retaliation Wrongful Termination

New York Employment Law Guide

You have certain rights as an employee in the state of New York. Your employer should respect those rights, but if he or she doesn’t, an employment lawyer can help. We created the New York employment law guide to help employees understand their rights as they pertain to employment law in New York. Rochester employment lawyer Michelle Cimino has dealt with countless cases where an employer has infringed on an employee’s rights, and she can help you, too. If you believe your employer has broken the law, contact us for a confidential consultation. No one is above the law, and [...]


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Alimony Child Custody Child Support Cimino Law Blog Divorce Domestic Violence Family Law Fathers Rights Grandparents Rights High Net-Worth Divorce Legal Guides Mediation Military Divorce New York Family Law Guide Paternity Same Sex Divorce The Cimino Law Blog

New York Family Law Guide

Family law issues are often stressful for all parties involved. Whether you are going through a divorce, fighting for child support, or trying to get custody of your kids, you can’t help but worry about the outcome. We understand how stressful this is, and we have the compassion and experience necessary to make the process much easier for you. The Cimino Law Firm will help you with the emotional aspects of your case while fighting for your rights. We created our New York family law guide to help residents find out more about divorce, child custody, child support, spousal maintenance [...]


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