Category Archives: Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination Lawyer Explains How To Create A Fair Work Environment

An Age Discrimination Lawyer Can Help Create a Fair Work Environment About one out of [...]

Employee Rights Lawyer Explains Discrimination in the Workplace

How Can An Employee Rights Lawyer Help? With so many different problems that can arise [...]

Rochester Discrimination Lawyer Explains Your Rights

Discrimination happens when a person is treated differently or seen differently than someone else because [...]

What is a Hostile Work Environment?

Experienced Rochester Employment Lawyer Explains Hostile Work Environments If you have a job, you may [...]


Ageism in the Workplace

Rochester Employment Lawyer Protecting Against Ageism in the Workplace Equality is essential, especially while you’re [...]

Equal Pay Act Explained

Rochester Employment Lawyer Helping To Enforce Equal Pay for Equal Work In life, everybody deserves [...]

Coronavirus and the Workplace: Know Your Rights

An Employees Guide To Coronavirus and the Workplace This is not intended to be legal [...]


New York Employment Law Guide

You have certain rights as an employee in the state of New York. Your employer [...]