What Is Child Support Modification?
Child support modification simply means that one parent is seeking to lower or increase support. It is possible to modify a child support order if you or the child’s other parent has experienced a significant change in circumstances. Modifications can increase or decrease the amount of support paid, depending on the situation.
The types of situations that would warrant a child support modification include the loss of a job, serious illness, job promotion, loss of housing, and more.
The person who wishes to modify the agreement must prove the circumstances require a new order. This could include providing wage statements or medical information to the courts.
Those who choose to go to court and are unhappy with the order have the chance to appeal it. To do so, the dissatisfied party must file an objection with the court within 30 days of the ruling.
The judge has three options when a parent objects to a support order. He or she can change the ruling, send it back to the court, or leave it as it is. Either party has the right to appeal the judge’s decision to a higher court.
To learn more about child support modification, schedule a confidential consultation with dedicated Rochester family lawyer Michelle Cimino today. Let her experience work for you.
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