Going to court for custody is never easy. Our family lawyer, Michelle Cimino, can help you navigate this process. The following are questions that a non-custodial parent may have. Please keep reading to learn more. To set up a confidential consultation, call our office immediately.
What Are My Rights?
You are not powerless if you do not have physical custody. You are still your child’s parent, and you retain rights. You may not be the one making decisions about where your child lives, but you certainly have rights.
Obtaining Your Child’s Records
Even as the non-custodial parent, you can see your child’s medical and school records. It is essential to have up-to-date access to these records to know how your child is doing academically and physically. Medical records are also vital to have so you know what health conditions your child has to be able to take care of them properly.
Agreements regarding how you share holidays may already be written into custody agreements, but if they are not, know that you have a right to share holidays with your child. You may be able to see them for the entire holiday, part of a holiday break, or for holiday meals. It will depend on what is in your child’s best interest and what both parties are willing to agree on.
Report Abuse
It is your legal right as the non-custodial parent to report the abuse and neglect you see your child going through at the hands of their custodial parent. There may be marks on their body; they may fear going home to their custodial parent, being starved at home, etc. You can call CPS to tell them that you suspect that the custodial parent is abusing your child.
How Do I Pay Child Support?
There are a few ways to pay child support. You can use a check, money order, online payment, credit card, or debit card. At this point in your involvement with court, you likely already have a Gov ID with New York state’s online portal. This is not how you are going to pay your child support.
There are two websites that can be used for child support payments. You can use ExpertPay.com and E-ChildsPay.com for online payments. However, you can use your government portal to see the payments you have made, how much you owe, when you owe it, etc.
If you are having trouble meeting your child support obligation because of a pay cut, job loss, or other reasons, you must file a modification petition as soon as possible. Call the child support office immediately if you have been fired or have quit your job.
What if I Get Custody?
If you are a non-custodial parent trying to gain custody of your child, you would have to file to go to court. However, if you did win custody back from your ex, you would no longer be responsible for child support payments. The custodial parent is the one who receives child support payments in order to care for their child. Once the custodial parent no longer houses the child, you are not obligated to pay them support.
Meet with Our Rochester Divorce Lawyer
Are you looking for representation in your journey through court? Are you a non-custodial parent looking to gain custody? Do you need help with custody payments? Our Rochester divorce lawyer can help.
You can reach out right away to meet with our attorney Michelle Cimino for a confidential consultation. We would be glad to take your call right away.