What Is A Prenuptial Agreement?
If you own any substantial assets, it’s a good idea to draft prenuptial agreement with your significant other. Prenuptial agreements are contracts that help determine what happens to your assets in the event of a divorce. Watch this video by Rochester family lawyer Michelle Cimino to learn more.
Many people ask what is a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. That’s simply a contract between both of the parties that will dictate how your assets and debts will be distributed in the event of a divorce. If you or your loved one is considering a prenuptial agreement, please contact our office; we’d love to help you.
Pre and post nuptial agreements help make marriage less stressful. You don’t need to worry about money if you and your spouse split up. Essentially, you can just focus on your marriage. Instead of having to worry about money, you can focus on your relationship with your spouse.
Contact our office to arrange a confidential consultation to discuss prenuptial agreements and get answers to any questions you may have.
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