Workplace discrimination can make going to your job unbearable. No one should have to face this type of treatment when they are trying to make their living. If you believe that you are a victim of discrimination but need to know more before you act on it, please keep reading. When you are ready to reach out to an attorney, please give our office a call right away.
Identifying the Signs of Workplace Discrimination
You may wonder if what you are going through at work is considered discrimination under the law. There are several protected characteristics. If someone is discriminating against you based on these characteristics, your legal rights have been violated and you can act legally against the guilty party.
The law protects you if you are being discriminated against due to your nationality, sex, disability, race, religion, and familial status.
Discrimination can be defined as being treated unfairly based on your belonging to one of those protected characteristics. If someone is refusing to promote you because you are a woman, won’t reasonably accommodate your disability, fired you because they found out you were pregnant, etc. there are examples of discrimination.
What Do I Do If I’m a Victim of Workplace Discrimination?
If you believe that you are a victim of discrimination for a protected characteristic, you can take legal action. You need to reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible. We want to provide you with swift and fierce representation.
We can file a claim with the EEOC. Do not worry about this process. We have handled these types of cases for many years. We will make sure that you get through this together as smoothly as possible.
Call Our Rochester Employment Lawyer Today
When you are ready to talk to an attorney about the workplace discrimination that you are facing, our Rochester employment lawyer, Michelle Cimino, is here to help you through this process. You deserve to feel safe and comfortable in your workplace. When someone is violating your rights, please reach out. Give our office a call today to get set up with a consultation.